Oxonmoot 2024 has ended
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Friday, August 30

1:00am BST

So you want to write fanfiction: Make 'em Laugh
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00am - 2:00am BST
Writing humor can be a complicated genre, because the question of what is funny varies from person to person. There are a multitude of sub-genres for comedy writing.  Fifteen of these will be briefly explored with examples. There will be an opportunity for participants to partake in writing exercises and share what they create during the session.

Link to writing exercises is here!

avatar for Zhie


Tears Unnumbered Pub
Zhie has been an academic librarian for over two decades and teaching at the college level for nearly twenty-five years.  While most contributions have been derivative fandom works and creation of STEAM-based OER for use in makerspaces and classrooms, activities have also included... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00am - 2:00am BST
0.2 - Online Only (Meeting Strand)

7:30am BST

Friday August 30, 2024 7:30am - 9:00am BST
Provided if you are staying in College accommodation
Friday August 30, 2024 7:30am - 9:00am BST
7 - Dining Hall

8:30am BST

Disintegration of Bodies in Music: Orpheus and Eurydice’s Prosodic Doom Becoming Salvation in Lúthien’s Rescue of Beren
Friday August 30, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am BST
avatar for Iman Negahdari

Iman Negahdari

Iman Negahdari is an MA graduate in English literature from RaziUniversity, Kermanshah, Iran. With a profound interest in genderstudies, criticism, and feminism, He has dedicated his academic journeyto exploring complex issues of gender identity. This passion culminatedin a dissertation... Read More →
avatar for Ali Ghaderi

Ali Ghaderi

Ali Ghaderi holds a PhD in English literature from Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. Hisresearch interests include high fantasy, feminism, study and practice of creative writing, andpopular culture. His PhD was mainly concerned with contemporary continental philosophy andTolkien’s... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

9:00am BST

War and Nature in Tolkien and Miyazaki
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am BST
In response to Hayao Miyazaki's interview regarding his distaste for Hollywood and The Lord of the Rings, this synthesis essay aims to compare the works of Hayao Miyazaki with J.R.R. Tolkien’s to ascertain that the two are more alike than one would think. Although, they share different viewpoints their central focus is on nature. This essay will dissect how themes of environmentalism and the devastation of war are similar. Therefore, if possible, my essay will attempt to bring these two greats together.
avatar for Charlotte Brockway

Charlotte Brockway

Bookseller | MFA Emerson College | Medievalist | Writer, Barnes & Noble
Charlotte Brockway graduated from Drew University with a B.A. in English, Writing, and Medieval Studies, and an M.F.A. in Popular Fiction from Emerson College. She is the author of Growth Through Loss—a collection of short stories and poems and "My Name is..."—a short story about... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

9:00am BST

Choral Workshop
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am BST
Following last year's success, I'm happy to announce the return of the Oxonmoot Scratch Choir! In this workshop I'll teach you a piece of choral music which, if all goes to plan, we can then perform on Saturday evening as an Entertainment. This was fantastic fun last year and very well recieved. No previous singing experience is necessary: the only requirement is that you love to sing! I very much look forward to seeing you there.

In order to perform on Saturday evening it is essential that the whole choir is present for the Entertainment soundcheck on Saturday afternoon. Our soundcheck time is 2pm. If this is an issue please don't let it stop you coming to the workshop: we will try to sort any problems out as best we can to let everyone be involved.
This year I'll be teaching one of my own compositions entitled Anchor. This piece was written for a character in my own fantasy writing, and fits very well with themes in Tolkien's work such as fellowship and adventure.

If you scroll down this page, you will find the vocal score and rehearsal tracks recorded by my good friend Susan Harknett, which you can use to familiarise yourself with the piece before the workshop if you would so desire. This isn't a requirement, but I know some people like being able to look at things in advance.

A note on rehearsal tracks:
  • There are three main parts: soprano, alto and tenor. Men with lower voices don't panic: the tenor part isn't very high! The track for each part is recorded with the other two quieter in the background to allow you to hear how it fits together. Altos have the tune for most of the piece.
  • If you are super confident and feel able to look at more than one part, that might be useful in helping balance numbers on each part in the workshop.
  • Men: you may notice that there are a few bars towards the end of the piece (from letter E) where the written line is different from the recording. Mostly it is simply an octave down from what is recorded in these bars. This is because the tracks were originally created for an all female choir. I expect you will be more comfortable singing it as written.
avatar for Bethany Hannigan

Bethany Hannigan

Bethany is a mum of two who has been singing all her life. She had multiple scholarships for singing when at university, and has since led a church choir and a community choir for mums, with a focus on improving mental health through singing. She also teaches Sing and Sign baby classes... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activities)

9:00am BST

Art Show
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm BST
Information TBC
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm BST
6 - Ruth Deech Building Foyer

9:15am BST

Friday August 30, 2024 9:15am - 12:00pm BST
Collect your badge which gives you access to all the in person activities from the registration desk in the Ruth Deech Foyer.

Also a chance to meet the organisers and ask any questions about Oxonmoot.
avatar for Megan Miller

Megan Miller

Oxonmoot Social Programme Lead, The Tolkien Society
Friday August 30, 2024 9:15am - 12:00pm BST
6 - Ruth Deech Building Foyer

9:30am BST

Online First Timers' Gathering
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am BST
An opportunity for those new to an Online Oxonmoot to meet new friends, and find out a bit more about the Oxonmoot community and experience from the organisers and other "old hands".

In person First Timers who weren't able to make the gathering on Thursday evening are also most welcome to join us in the Edoras room.
avatar for Elena Davison

Elena Davison

Oxonmoot Co-chair
Elena joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 at The Return of the Ring in Loughborough. They seemed like a good bunch and many a friendship blossomed that week. Over the next few years, she picked up running the art show at Oxonmoot, followed by chairing the event itself in 2015-2017... Read More →
avatar for Asli Johnston

Asli Johnston

Oxonmoot Co-Chair, The Tolkien Society
Asli (she/her) is a Chief Officer aboard the merchant ships.For those familiar with how a cargo ship's command line works ; a Chief Officer is first in command after the Captain, in charge of anything you can imagine including the Captain. For the ones not familiar; she is Riker to... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)

9:30am BST

Craft Room
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 12:15pm BST
Drop in to the Craft Room in person or online to join Anne for chat and sharing of activities.

Lots of ideas will be available for you to try, or just enjoy the company.
avatar for Anne Gooding

Anne Gooding

Anne joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 for the Return of the Ring and attended her first Oxonmoot that year. The Cottage of Lost Play (or the Art and Craft Room) started in 2013 as a space for fun. She first picked up LoTR as a teenager. She can’t remember when she first read The... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 12:15pm BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft) & Online (Meeting Strand)

9:30am BST

Dealers Room
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm BST
Information TBC
Friday August 30, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm BST
5 - Danson Room (Dealers)

9:35am BST

The Awkward Art: Tolkien and Pipe Smoking
Friday August 30, 2024 9:35am - 10:05am BST
Tolkien was, as we know, an avid, one might even say passionate, pipe smoker. Pipe smoking was also an ingrained part of Hobbit culture and the source of some pride for them, as “Hobbits first put it into pipes”. From the Hobbits, the art (as they preferred to call it) spread to various other folk, to Dwarves and Dúnedain, Bree-dwellers and Wizards. Some of Tolkien’s readers feel uncomfortable with this, as pipe smoking is definitely not in vogue in today’s society. – This non-judgmental paper will explore both Tolkien’s own attachment to the pipe smoking art, and the role  it plays in his books.
avatar for Nils Ivar Agøy

Nils Ivar Agøy

NILS IVAR AGØY is Professor of Modern History at the University of South-Eastern Norway. He is a founding member of Arthedain – The Tolkien Society of Norway (1981) and has written and spoken extensively on Tolkienian subjects. He has also translated several of Tolkien's books... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:35am - 10:05am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

9:45am BST

Born of Hope
Friday August 30, 2024 9:45am - 12:00pm BST
Born of Hope is a film directed by Kate Maddison (who will be joining us for the Q&A and will be available for further discussions over lunch) and written by Paula DiSante (as Alex K. Aldridge) based on the appendices of J. R. R. Tolkien's LOTR. The film centres on the communities affected by Sauron's war, the Dunedain bloodline and the story of Arathorn II and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn.

Tom Lamont, writing in the Observer, stated that Born of Hope was the most credible adaptation among the many fan films based on The Lord of the Rings.
avatar for Paul Osborne

Paul Osborne

Exec. Producer, Movieworks
Exec producer for a successful Sheffield based independent feature film exploring the Celtic and Arthurian links for Tolkien's LOTR. The film originated through an association with the two fan films, Born of Hope and The Hunt for Gollum and was loosely based on the Welsh story of... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:45am - 12:00pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

10:00am BST

Hobbit Hike
Friday August 30, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm BST
Ever thought that a bit of fresh air and exercise would be a good thing at Oxonmoot?

Join Maggie on a gentle hike (approximately 2 miles each way) across the University Parks and along the banks of the Cherwell. A short delay may happen at The Victoria Arms, but we need to be back in time for the early evening programme items, so it won't be a long one!

Please wear sensible shoes. Note that in the event of inclement weather this may be cancelled or re-arranged at short notice.
avatar for Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1979, and has been known to say that doing so changed her life. She is best known in Tolkien circles as a costumer, notably for Elwing the White and Aratalindalë, the latter being her second Best in Show set at the World Science Fiction... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm BST
8 - Meet at Porters' Lodge
  In Person Only

10:05am BST

Friday August 30, 2024 10:05am - 10:15am BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Friday August 30, 2024 10:05am - 10:15am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

10:15am BST

Secondary Ecology, Tertiary World: Middle-earth's Ecology as Played by Aotearoa
Friday August 30, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am BST
Tolkien's self-declared love of nature (Letters: 165) is well-known and forms a thread that runs through all his work, to the point that Brian Rosebury (2003) posits that 'Middle-earth, rather than any of the characters, is the hero of The Lord of the Rings'. John Garth (2020) points out various links between the nature of The Shire and other Middle-earth locations and England, taken, as Tolkien wrote, from 'such life as I know' (Letters: 181). However, visual adaptations of Tolkien's work by Peter Jackson and Amazon have used locations in Aotearoa (New Zealand), to play the 'character' of Middle-earth on screen. These locations have their own plant species and ecologies that are often visually distinct from those found in Europe, particularly England. This paper explores the significance and possibilities of transposing Middle-earth into the ecology and landscapes of Aotearoa, the conjuration of a “new” Middle-earth, and how (if) it changes our own imaginations of Tolkien’s world.

avatar for Rory Queripel

Rory Queripel

Rory is a plant science undergraduate studying at the Eden Project, having previously studied music and ethnomusicology. Aside from their scientific interests in taxonomy and soil ecology, they are interested in plant histories (which they write about on their blog Historical Plant... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

10:30am BST

Bookbinding Workshop
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am BST
Need a new sketchbook or a notebook to take notes during Oxonmoot?
During this workshop you can make your own A5 hardcover book and a small, simple booklet. I will provide you with a pdf with the instructions after the workshop so you can make your own notebooks from now on.

This will be a limited event due to supplies and a sign up sheet will be available at Registration.
avatar for Kai D. Janik

Kai D. Janik

visual artist, illustrator, art therapist
Visual artist, illustrator and art therapist
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft)

10:30am BST

Sched App Help
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am BST
If you or someone you know need help with the Sched app on your phone, find us in the Ops room (tucked away behind the stairs), and we will try to help you! Ask at Registration for more info
avatar for Elena Davison

Elena Davison

Oxonmoot Co-chair
Elena joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 at The Return of the Ring in Loughborough. They seemed like a good bunch and many a friendship blossomed that week. Over the next few years, she picked up running the art show at Oxonmoot, followed by chairing the event itself in 2015-2017... Read More →
avatar for Asli Johnston

Asli Johnston

Oxonmoot Co-Chair, The Tolkien Society
Asli (she/her) is a Chief Officer aboard the merchant ships.For those familiar with how a cargo ship's command line works ; a Chief Officer is first in command after the Captain, in charge of anything you can imagine including the Captain. For the ones not familiar; she is Riker to... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am BST
6 - Ruth Deech Building Foyer

10:30am BST

Musical Ring
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm BST
This is an opportunity to perform music or sing in an informal and supportive setting. We'll form a ring (if the room format and numbers allow) and go round with those who wish to do so performing a song or piece of music - whether that's a song from the movies, your own setting or composition, a filk (parody) song or another piece of music. There will also be some songs for everyone who wishes to join in and sing / play along. (If you want to look at these singalongs in advance, there are words/chords attached on Sched plus mp3 demos for a couple where the tunes may be unfamiliar). The session will be hybrid and online performances will also be welcome. Performances should be short however (song length) so we can get round as many as possible. If there is spare time we can try and go round again for additional contributions. There's no minimum (or maximum) musical standard, all performances will be positively received, and if you want to come along and just listen, that is fine too. If you're travelling and can't bring your instrument we may be able to lend you one on the day.
avatar for Pete Clark

Pete Clark

Pete has been involved in filking (parody singing) for three decades and was a founder member of the Oxford Tolkien Society filk band, the Taruithorn Singers. He does occasionally write and sing non parody songs!
Friday August 30, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

10:50am BST

Britain's Lost Myth: Exploring Tolkien's Mythopoeia in 'The Fall of Arthur'
Friday August 30, 2024 10:50am - 11:20am BST
This paper delves into J.R.R. Tolkien's lesser-known poem "The Fall of Arthur" to unravel its mythic significance within the broader context of Arthurian literature. This research aims to elucidate Tolkien's unique mythopoeic techniques and their transformative impact on the portrayal of the Arthurian legend. By analysing the interplay between myth and history in Tolkien's construction of the Arthurian narrative, this paper sheds light on the possibility of a modern legacy, despite its unfinished state, in "The Fall of Arthur". This investigation not only enriches our understanding of Tolkien's creative genius but also highlights the profound influence of his mythic vision on Arthurian literature. By uncovering the mythopoeic elements in "The Fall of Arthur" and tracing their reverberations throughout Arthurian literary tradition, this paper offers fresh insights into the enduring allure of the Arthurian legend and its significance within the broader landscape of cultural mythology.

avatar for James Moffett

James Moffett

With a potent combination of tea, reading, beer, and writing, James Moffett has published a collection of short stories and a stand-alone novel on the character of Sherlock Holmes; together with a long epic poem on the Battle of Hastings and a poetry collection about Time and Space... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 10:50am - 11:20am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

11:25am BST

'Robbers of the North': Britons, Dunlendings and Alterity in the Riddermark
Friday August 30, 2024 11:25am - 12:00pm BST
The many parallels between Tolkien's Rohirrim and the Anglo-Saxons, and particularly Mercians, are well-established as they are well-known. This essay follows this strain and, drawing on a number of Old English, Medieval Welsh and Latin texts, as well as Tolkien’s work as a medievalist, aims to demonstrate some key parallels instead between the Dunlendings and Brittonic-speaking peoples. A significant part of what rendered the kingdom of Mercia (deriving from 'Mierce', which may be glossed as 'the people of the borderlands') and Riddermark alike, 'border-lands', was the presence of their displaced neighbours, the Welsh and the Dunlendings respectively. This essay examines in what ways the depiction of the Welsh Other, particularly in Anglo-Saxon sources, as well as certain ideas and trends in academia concerning the history of Early Medieval Britain, now superseded and amended to varying degrees, may throw light on our understanding of the Dunlendings in the Legendarium.
avatar for Zeynep Kirca

Zeynep Kirca

Zeynep Kirca has recently finished her BA in Classical Studies and English at the University of Exeter. She will be pursuing her MSt in medieval English literature at the University of Oxford in the upcoming academic year. Her dissertation thesis was concerned with alterity and borderlands... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 11:25am - 12:00pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

12:00pm BST

Lunch (provided)
Friday August 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm BST
Friday lunch is the time when all our in person Oxonmooters can come together to enjoy the fellowship of a shared meal.

If you told us about a dietary requirement, please collect your lunch from the Dining Hall.
Friday August 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm BST
7 - Dining Hall

12:45pm BST

The Rings of Power Watch Party - ep 1
Friday August 30, 2024 12:45pm - 2:00pm BST
This screening will aim to show episode 1 for those who missed the night screening.

Once again, we have the pleasure of of starting Oxonmoot on the same weekend as the release of the new Rings of Power TV series season. For those who wish to have a communal in-person experince, we will put the episodes on in the lecture theatres. Details of this event may change as we learn more about episode length, etc.

Friday August 30, 2024 12:45pm - 2:00pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

1:00pm BST

The Shaman of the Old Forest: Bombadil, Väinämöinen, and the Animistic Spirit
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 1:30pm BST
This essay investigates the ‘shamanic’ nature of Tom Bombadil, examining his role in the legendarium, the ecocentric values he embodies, and potential resonances with the eternal bard Väinämöinen from The Kalevala. While the influence of this Finnish/Karelian mythic corpus on Tolkien’s First Age materials (particularly the tale of Túrin) is well attested, the Bombadil affair arguably better reflects the elements of The Kalevala that Tolkien found most enchanting: namely the folkloric and animistic spirit of the work, the ennoblement of simple things, and the magic of song. As an indigenous or (in Tolkien’s own words) ‘aboriginal’ figure, Bombadil serves as an important foil for the relative modernity of the hobbits, equipping them with the skills to metabolise their fears and confront the high strangeness of the wild world. He is, much like Väinämöinen, a distinctly shamanic figure, initiating both the hobbits and the reader into the Perilous Realm of myth and natural magic.

avatar for Erik Jampa Andersson

Erik Jampa Andersson

Erik Jampa Andersson is an Environmental Historian, Tibetologist, and the author of 'Unseen Beings: How We Forgot the World is More Than Human' (2023). He holds an MA in History from Goldsmiths, University of London, and is a graduate of the Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 1:30pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

1:00pm BST

Table talk with Keynote Speaker: Dr Sara Brown
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm BST
A chance to meet Dr Brown in a informal chat around the table.
avatar for Sara Brown

Sara Brown

Chair of Faculty for Language and Literature, Signum University
Dr Sara Brown lives in North Wales, UK. She is Chair of the Language and Literature Faculty at Signum University, USA, where she has taught on courses with Corey Olsen, Verlyn Flieger, Dimitra Fimi, Robin Reid, Doug Anderson, Amy Sturgis, and John Garth. Sara currently serves on the... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm BST
3.1 - Seminar Room 1 - Building J

1:00pm BST

Trade Publishing Workshop
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm BST
Professor Tolkien continues to inspire writers across the world. So what do you do once you have finished your manuscript? If you are interested in the UK trade publishing route, this workshop is for you. Join me for an overview of the publishing process, and a chance to ask ALL the questions!
avatar for Francesca Barbini

Francesca Barbini

Founder of Luna Press Publishing.
Friday August 30, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

1:30pm BST

Friday August 30, 2024 1:30pm - 1:35pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Friday August 30, 2024 1:30pm - 1:35pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

1:35pm BST

“Eä!” and “Hey Dol!”, Conjuring Homelands in Middle-earth: from Songs of Power to Rhymes of Lore
Friday August 30, 2024 1:35pm - 2:05pm BST
"The basis of J.R.R. Tolkien’s worldbuilding lies in the prime magic of languages and music (Fimi and Higgins, 2016 ; Flieger, 2020). Their evolution and transmission through ages and between species take many forms, depending on the literary genre adapted by Tolkien (myths, legends, folktales); and depending on the beings who share those songs in the fiction (spirit or corporeal, good or evil) (Fimi, 2008 ; Carruthers, 2016). In the ever-threatened world of faërie, defending or longing for homelands are building motives. From the Songs of Power preserved in ancient Elvish lays, to the folkloric Hobbit-rhymes, homelands are often referred to, either loosely evoked or directly invoked. Calling upon selected songs from the legendarium, this paper explores the different genres and effects of the musical conjurations of land and home in Tolkien’s writings.

In the “Ainulindalë”, divine spirits sing the universe and beings into existence, while the world is threatened and reshaped by the songs of evil forces at work. On the other hand, the Second Song at the end of time comes with a re-categorization of species, especially marginalized people, and thus tackles the question of minorities and beings in Tolkien’s fantasy system.
In the legendarium, home-related songs can affect both the elements and the audience. They fuel characters with courage or despair, by way of simple reminiscences, or through effective visions occurring in key moments of the narrative.
Those songs conjure ancient, foundered homelands (Rhymes of Lore), current households (Bath Songs), or cozy homes to return to (Walking songs). Other declinations of home-related songs convey an imminent menace, whether the antagonist’s household is threatening (“Clap! Snap! The black crack!” In The Hobbit) or being threatened (“The Ent's Marching Song” in The Lord of the Rings). Quite often, the endangered or long-lost homeland is used as a weapon during epic battles, bordering on the enchantment (the duel between Finrod and Sauron, The Silmarillion), or used as an empowering incantation (Lúthien’s lament before Mandos, Beren and Lúthien). Finally, conjuring home creates a sense of belonging that is shared between Peoples, whether one shares the beauty of their homeland (Finrod’s encounter with Men, The Silmarillion), or pays homage to their foreign friends (Bilbo’s Song of Eärendil, The Lord of the Rings).
By invoking ancient or distant lands, Home Songs transgress every border: they conjure the almost forgotten into the present, transmute the foreign into the familiar, and alter the dialectics of the high and the low."

avatar for Clara Colin Saïdani

Clara Colin Saïdani

The Tolkien Society
Clara Colin Saïdani holds a bi-Master’s degree in English, French and Comparative literature from the University of Nantes, at the end of which she defended a thesis entitled “High mythopoeia or J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythopoeic quest in The Silmarillion”, and two research papers... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 1:35pm - 2:05pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

1:45pm BST

Craft Room
Friday August 30, 2024 1:45pm - 5:00pm BST
Drop in to the Craft Room in person or online to join Anne for chat and sharing of activities.

Lots of ideas will be available for you to try, or just enjoy the company.
avatar for Anne Gooding

Anne Gooding

Anne joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 for the Return of the Ring and attended her first Oxonmoot that year. The Cottage of Lost Play (or the Art and Craft Room) started in 2013 as a space for fun. She first picked up LoTR as a teenager. She can’t remember when she first read The... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 1:45pm - 5:00pm BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft) & Online (Meeting Strand)

2:00pm BST

The Silmarillion Opera
Friday August 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm BST
For many years the Tolkien Estate has refused to allow any musical treatment of the works of the author which employed his own words. They had however already agreed to make a concession in respect of the music of Paul Corfield Godfrey, whose cycle of “epic scenes from The Silmarillion” was finally completed in 2023 with the issue of a ten-CD series of recordings from Volante Opera and Prima Facie Records.

In this first of two talks the composer will be playing extracts from all five parts of the epic scenes and giving a brief introduction to the music. We will begin with the prologue to The War of Wrath, the final section of the score which was only written in 2019, and then proceed through the other works beginning with The Children of Húrin from 1982 - excerpts from which were performed at Oxonmoot the following year. Copies of the CDs and scores will be available for purchase, and we will also be looking forward to the recordings of both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit which have been granted copyright permission by the Estate.

avatar for Paul Godfrey

Paul Godfrey

Volante Opera
Musical composition and writing, recording and promotion
Friday August 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

2:10pm BST

The Tale We’ve Fallen Into: Re-reading The Lord of the Rings, Re-reading Ourselves
Friday August 30, 2024 2:10pm - 2:40pm BST
Tolkien fans are famous for annually re-reading The Lord of the Rings. What are we seeking when we re-immerse ourselves in LotR, and what do we find? From 25 December 2023 to 25 March 2024 I re-read LotR through an autoethnographic lens, placing personal experience into conversation with existing Tolkien scholarship and theories of narrative identity. Taking extensive field notes on my reading process, I reflexively documented my responses to the text and the memories it evokes. I thereby identified five core themes that keep me coming back to LotR: imaginative co-creation; emotional catharsis; nostalgia; the hard necessity of letting go; and what Verlyn Flieger has called double exposure, as LotR has ceased to be merely a story to read and enjoy and become a narrative framework by which I make sense of my life. I conclude, not by making claims to generalizability, but by offering my experience as an invitation for others to tell their own stories of what Middle-earth means to them.

avatar for Tom Emanuel

Tom Emanuel

PhD Researcher, University of Glasgow
Tom Emanuel is a theologian and PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow. His thesis project “The Tale We’ve Fallen Into: J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and the Post-Christian Quest for Meaning” explores Tolkien’s reception among nonreligious readers in the changing... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 2:10pm - 2:40pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

2:40pm BST

Friday August 30, 2024 2:40pm - 2:50pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Friday August 30, 2024 2:40pm - 2:50pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

2:45pm BST

Gamgee's World
Friday August 30, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm BST

"Gardener's World" is a British TV show that first aired in 1968, here renamed after "the most famous gardener in history". This will be a discussion concerning gardening & Tolkien for anyone who loves or would love to garden, covering the following as time allows: Favourite passages about gardens from Tolkien's works. Exploring how Tolkien's works have been an inspiration to start or continue gardening. Any plants you have grown or seen with a connection to Tolkien or his works. Time for questions & advice about gardening. If you have any photos of gardens (your own or otherwise) or (short) excerpts of text that you would like to share on screen, please send them to gamgeesworld@yahoo.com at least a day before the activity. Please ensure you include your badge/screen name. Photos will only be shared if you actually attend, or if you give clear permission for them to be shared without attendance - in that case also provide a description.
Friday August 30, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

2:50pm BST

Beastly Middle-earth
Friday August 30, 2024 2:50pm - 3:50pm BST
Depictions of Beasties in the Tolkien Landscape. Lots of pretty pictures and some griping about AI.
avatar for Jay Johnstone

Jay Johnstone

Owner, Jaystolkien
Taking inspiration from Byzantine iconography to the great works of Gustav Klimt, Jay works with traditional methods and techniques exploring the relationship of peoples of Middle-earth, from the motivations of core characters to the defining inspiration of their creation. The results... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 2:50pm - 3:50pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

3:00pm BST

The Bar
Friday August 30, 2024 3:00pm - 11:40pm BST
The bar in the marquee behind the Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre will be open daily 3pm-midnight with last orders at 11.40pm.
Friday August 30, 2024 3:00pm - 11:40pm BST
7.1 - The Small Marquee in the Back Quad

3:30pm BST

LGBTQ+ Second Breakfast: an inclusive hobbit gathering for tea
Friday August 30, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm BST
Come have tea and biscuits with your fellow LGBTQ+ excellent and admirable hobbits. This drop-in tea is a safe space to meet other queer Tolkien fans here at Oxonmoot, to socialize, and to relax. Whether you have been reading Tolkien since before the Silmarillion came into being, or whether you have only recently found yourself treading Middle-earth's many paths, all under our LGBTQ+ banner are welcome to pull up a chair in our cosy community meet-up.

If you are an online-only attendee, you are welcome to the break-out room for this event to socialize! Unfortunately you will not be able to interact with the in-person room, but people in the in-person room will be able to come over and say hi if they choose! Think of it as two adjoining rooms, designated for some cosy queer socializing. If you're on-line, bring your favorite snacks and a cup of tea, and chat with familiar faces and new ones who also cannot make it to the live event. We are one big Oxonmoot community! 
avatar for Mercury Natis

Mercury Natis

Mercury Natis (they/them) is a PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow, focusing on the queer historical contexts that influenced Tolkien's works. They earned their first MA in Museum Education, with a background in Art History, and are completing their second MA with Signum University... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activities)

3:30pm BST

The Rings of Power Watch Party - ep 2
Friday August 30, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm BST
This screening will aim to show episode 2 for those who missed the night screening.

Once again, we have the pleasure of of starting Oxonmoot on the same weekend as the release of the new Rings of Power TV series season. For those who wish to have a communal in-person experience, we will put the episodes on in the lecture theatres. Details of this event may change as we learn more about episode length, etc.

Friday August 30, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

3:50pm BST

Friday August 30, 2024 3:50pm - 4:00pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Friday August 30, 2024 3:50pm - 4:00pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

4:00pm BST

Visions of Númenor: The Land of Gift as pictured by Alan Lee and Rings of Power
Friday August 30, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm BST
2022 has brought new depictions of an area of Middle-earth that had not been the focus of adaptations so far—Númenor. Amazon Prime’s Rings of Power took its spectators to a reimagined Second Age much indebted visually to Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movie trilogies, while Alan Lee continued his exploration of Arda with accompanying illustrations to The Fall of Númenor edited by Brian Sibley. The two entirely different and unrelated projects brought this pseudo-Atlantis to the foreground, and steeped its iconography in Antiquity, with surprisingly similar sources of inspiration for surprisingly dissimilar results. In this paper I offer to compare and contrast those depictions, shedding light on the way artists read the Akallabêth and how they interpret it.

avatar for Marie Bretagnolle

Marie Bretagnolle

Marie Bretagnolle (she / her) is a French doctoral student whose work focuses on the illustrations created for British and American editions of J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien’s Middle-earth texts. She is preparing her PhD under the joint supervision of Vincent Ferré, a renowned... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

4:30pm BST

Friday August 30, 2024 4:30pm - 4:40pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Friday August 30, 2024 4:30pm - 4:40pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

4:40pm BST

Between What is Written and What is Not Written: The Art of John Howe
Friday August 30, 2024 4:40pm - 5:40pm BST
John Howe's Illustrations of the Three Ages of Middle-earth.

A Powerpoint presentation on with specific reference to (but far wider-ranging than) Brian Sibley's collaborations with John Howe on the newly revised and re-illustrated edition of 'J.R.R.Tolkien - The Maps of Middle-earth' (published by HarperCollins, April 2024) and 'The Tolkien Calendar 2025' (containing an essay on Howe's cover illustrations for volumes of Christopher Tolkien's 'The History of Middle-earth'), published July 2024.

Brian's talk will be relayed into the second lecture theatre when space in the MOLT runs out
avatar for Brian Sibley

Brian Sibley

Writer and broadcaster with a passion for fantasy, science fiction and children's literature. Dramatist of the 1981 BBC Radio serialisation of 'The Lord of the Rings' (also 'Tales from the Perilous Realm'); collaborated with John Howe on 'Tolkien's Maps of Middle-earth'; author of... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 4:40pm - 5:40pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

5:00pm BST

Fandom Art Party Hour
Friday August 30, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm BST
Come and sit down and create! This is a space to discuss fan art, making fan art and what making and creating means to you!

avatar for Zhie


Tears Unnumbered Pub
Zhie has been an academic librarian for over two decades and teaching at the college level for nearly twenty-five years.  While most contributions have been derivative fandom works and creation of STEAM-based OER for use in makerspaces and classrooms, activities have also included... Read More →
avatar for AnnEllspethRaven


Elves and Ainur, Supervisor, At the Edge of Lasg'len
With friend SonaBeanSidhe, co-author "At the Edge of Lasg'len" (a Silmarillion Fanfiction of Considerable Length). Most of my time disappears into intricate storytelling about deeply traumatized persons (most Elves that ever walked Tolkien's pages...); a vehicle by which to explore... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft)

5:45pm BST

Win, Lose, or Draw - a Game
Friday August 30, 2024 5:45pm - 6:45pm BST
Win, Lose or Draw is our spin on the British TV show... Win, Lose, or Draw.

Think of it as a Tolkien-themed Pictionary! Contestants will be chosen in advance
avatar for Shaun Gunner

Shaun Gunner

Chair, The Tolkien Society
Shaun is the Chair of The Tolkien Society.First elected in 2013, Shaun has overseen the Society's expansion from 600 to 3,800 members, and its growth in assets to nearly £500,000. Shaun regularly speaks about adaptations of Tolkien's works and the future of Tolkien scholarship whilst... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 5:45pm - 6:45pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

6:00pm BST

Online Game: Guess the Illustrations – Alan Lee
Friday August 30, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm BST
Participants will be shown a section of a painting, and they will have to guess which publication that illustration has been taken from. Also, which part of the story it’s from (ie beginning, middle or end), and which characters (if any) are in it. Which place does it depict? Answers should be noted in the message box for the Steward to count them. There will be two winners. One for speed of responses. One for the maximum number of correct responses. There will be 2 Honourable Mentions in both categories. Places are limited. Registration’s recommended.
avatar for Sultana Raza

Sultana Raza

Sultana Raza has an MA in English Literature. An independent scholar, she's presented numerous papers related to Keats and Tolkien in international conferences in the USA, Ireland, the UK, France, Greece, Norway, and CoNZealand. Her creative non-fiction has appeared in Vector & Focus... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)

6:30pm BST

STACs Coffee Shop open for Dinner
Friday August 30, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm BST
STACs will provide homemade pizzas and cakes for dinner. We will be using numbers of signups to this event to gauge numbers of pizzas they will have ready.
Friday August 30, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm BST
7 - STACs Coffee Shop

9:00pm BST

Pub Quiz
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00pm - 10:30pm BST
Introduced in 2012 as an opening night icebreaker, Maggie and Mike Percival’s Oxonmoot Pub Quiz has become something of an institution.
To celebrate this 10th anniversary, this year we are trying something different - for the first time, we will combine the in-person and online quizzes into one. If you are in Oxford we'll help you find a group to form a team and meet friends both old and new. If you are joining us online, why not form a team with your smial, family, or friends - or play along by yourself. Full instructions for how to play will be provided on the day.
However you chose to join us, the quiz will test a wide range of Tolkien knowledge, but the emphasis is on fun!
avatar for Mike Percival

Mike Percival

Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities (Head Dragon)
Mike Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1983. A year later at his first Oxonmoot he thought to himself "the ambience of this party would be improved by using some stage lighting for the Ents". And the rest is history. Apart from doing tech at Oxonmoot almost ever since, Mike has... Read More →
avatar for Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1979, and has been known to say that doing so changed her life. She is best known in Tolkien circles as a costumer, notably for Elwing the White and Aratalindalë, the latter being her second Best in Show set at the World Science Fiction... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 9:00pm - 10:30pm BST
7 - Dining Hall & Online (Webinar Strand)

11:00pm BST

Arda Marred and Climate Change: Ecological Anxiety and the End of the World
Friday August 30, 2024 11:00pm - 11:45pm BST
Morgoth’s injection of his essence into Arda made it “Morgoth’s Ring”; the only way to remove him is to “disintegrat[e] the matter of Arda”. We reread Arda Marred as a parable for climate change, offering a new critique of how Tolkien’s legendarium responds to climate change as a c19-20 anxiety. It uses environmental bioethics and Timothy Morton’s ecological work to read Morgoth as a symbol for humanity’s mistreatment of the environment. Much like the invisible yet destructive effects of plutonium, Morgoth’s ‘corruption’ is a metaphysical, ontological, and philosophical hyperobject responsible for Arda’s fall; its effects, like humanity’s creations, outlives sentience in Arda. Building on Heidegger’s tool-being, it is only once environs have been marred that their true value is noticed. However, Tolkien noted that Morgoth cannot “annihilate” the world itself; the environs will recover, healing from Morgoth’s scarring of Arda’s body. The end is a beginning: an ecological feedback loop.

avatar for Will Sherwood

Will Sherwood

PhD in English Literature, University of Glasgow
Will Sherwood is a PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow researching the intersections of Tolkien's Middle-earth and Romanticism. He is the Education Secretary for The Tolkien Society, co-editor of several books including The Romantic Spirit in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and... Read More →
avatar for Journee Cotton

Journee Cotton

PhD Candidate
Journee Cotton is a second year PhD student at the University of Exeter studying English. She obtained bachelor degrees from Lubbock Christian University in English and Pre-law and a master’s degree in English Literature specialising in the Victorian and Romantic periods at the... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 11:00pm - 11:45pm BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

11:00pm BST

Online Game: Guess the Illustrations – Tolkien Illustrators
Friday August 30, 2024 11:00pm - Saturday August 31, 2024 12:00am BST
Participants will be shown a section of a painting from Tolkien artists, (only the ones whose works have been published in the mainstream press), and they will have to guess the name of the artist, and which publication that illustration has been taken from. Also, which part of the story it’s from (ie beginning, middle or end), and which characters (if any) are in it. Which place does it depict? Answers should be noted in the message box for the Steward to count them. There will be two winners. One for speed of responses. One for the maximum number of correct responses. There will be 2 Honourable Mentions in both categories. Places are limited. Registration’s recommended. ***
avatar for Sultana Raza

Sultana Raza

Sultana Raza has an MA in English Literature. An independent scholar, she's presented numerous papers related to Keats and Tolkien in international conferences in the USA, Ireland, the UK, France, Greece, Norway, and CoNZealand. Her creative non-fiction has appeared in Vector & Focus... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 11:00pm - Saturday August 31, 2024 12:00am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)

11:50pm BST

A Major Arcana Comparison: Tolkien Tarot
Friday August 30, 2024 11:50pm - Saturday August 31, 2024 12:20am BST
Literary Tarot decks are not a new phenomena, and in fact, there are several Tolkien inspired Tarot decks. The Major Arcana of Tarot already represent specific themes and meanings, and it is up the artists writing and illustrating the deck to translate the text inspiring the Tarot deck from story to card. A 2022 Tolkien inspired deck, written by Casey Gilly and illustrated by Tomas Hijo, was reviewed in Mythlore by noted Tarot scholar Emily Auger, who wrote that "their deck does not indicate any particular familiarity with their source texts" (Summer/Spring 2023, 247). In comparison, her review of the 1997 'The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Card Game' from U.S. Game Systems admits that the deck "shows some effective dramatizations and elucidations of the qualities and characters of both the Tarot figures and symbols and of the stories aligned with them" (Spring/Summer 2013, 138). This presentation dives into the Major Arcana of both decks in terms of Tarot figures and Tolkien story.

avatar for Laurel Stevens

Laurel Stevens

Laurel Stevens is an independent scholar of varied interests with a BA in English from Westminster College and an MA in Literature and Language from Signum University. Stevens first began literary research with Tolkien, but has an expansive love for all imaginative literature. Some... Read More →
Friday August 30, 2024 11:50pm - Saturday August 31, 2024 12:20am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)
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