Oxonmoot 2024 has ended
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Saturday, August 31

12:30am BST

Exploring the Lord of the Rings in Immersive Audio
Saturday August 31, 2024 12:30am - 1:00am BST
What would Grond really sound like? What would a quiet evening in the Shire sound like? Explore bringing Middle-earth to life through A Long-Expected Soundscape with discussions about adaptation, immersive 3D audio, and interactive demonstrations.
avatar for Jordan Rannells

Jordan Rannells

Composer, Sound Engineer of "A Long-Expected Soundscape", Audio Editor of The Prancing Pony Podcast and Season 2 of Rings & Realms
Saturday August 31, 2024 12:30am - 1:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

1:00am BST

Be Careful When You Feast, Valar!
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00am - 1:30am BST
Shocking things happen to the Valar on feast days. During the Spring of Arda Manwë “ordered a great feast” and Melkor seized the opportunity to return from the outer darkness and destroy the lamps. It is another feast day when Melkor and Ungoliant sneak in and kill the trees. And the Valar are feasting again when Eärendil arrives. At one level this is simply a plot device to show why the Valar’s guard is down. But at a deeper level feasting represents a blurring of the boundary between enchantment and mundanity—it is when feasting that the Valar are most human—and so helps us understand the meaning of enchantment for Tolkien. I will support this idea by reference to the Wood Elves feasting, the feasts that begin "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings," and the feast that begins "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight."
avatar for John Rosegrant

John Rosegrant

John Rosegrant is a psychoanalyst in private practice. He has given talks and published papers on topics including Tolkien, dreams, fairy tales, play therapy, Ursula Le Guin, two Potters (Beatrix and Harry), Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom, and the World of Warcraft computer game. He is... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00am - 1:30am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

1:30am BST

Tolkien's Dragons: An Overview
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30am - 2:00am BST
"In this paper I will provide an overview for a book proposal on Tolkien's Dragons. I will begin by surveying Tolkien's deep knowledge of the history of Indo-European dragon lore drawing on his Lecture on Dragons and the Essays ""Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics"" and ""On Fairy Stories"". I will discuss Tolkien's most important dragons: Smaug, Glaurung, Chrysophylax, the Sea Serpent and White Dragon in Roverandom,
as well as his Undragons: the flying Nazgul in LOTR and the serpents of iron in the 1916 Fall of Gondolin. I will also look at Tolkien's main literary models, not only the Beowulf dragon and Fafnir, but also the Midgard Serpent, St. George, Spenser's dragon in FQ, Bk I; as well as the post medieval folklore traditions (""Here be Dragons"") and the comic treatment of dragons in the 20th C Children's Literature of Edith Nesbitt and
Kenneth Grahame."
avatar for Romuald I Lakowski

Romuald I Lakowski

Romuald I. Lakowski is a professor at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada, where he has taught courses on Shakespeare, Medieval and Renaissance Literature, and introduction to Literature, as well as seminars on Tolkien and other subjects. He has published several articles... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30am - 2:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

1:30am BST

So You Want to Write Fanfiction: Writing to the Word Count
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30am - 2:30am BST

Writing swaps and gifting exchanges, Discord challenges, claiming events, fandom weeks on Tumblr – so many events exist to encourage creativity. Almost all of these have deadlines and minimum word counts. Various studies have shown that up to 95% of people are procrastinators, even when deadlines and goals are involved. Attend this presentation for tips on how to plan out stories so that the creative experience does not become overwhelming.  This presentation is also helpful for anyone who has considered running a fanfiction event, to get an idea of the timeline involved for authors, which helps to successfully set up the start and end times for events. 
avatar for Zhie


Tears Unnumbered Pub
Zhie has been an academic librarian for over two decades and teaching at the college level for nearly twenty-five years.  While most contributions have been derivative fandom works and creation of STEAM-based OER for use in makerspaces and classrooms, activities have also included... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30am - 2:30am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)
  Online, Drop-in

2:00am BST

An Anxiety of Influences: Gary Gygax, D&D, and Disclaiming Tolkienian Inspiration
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:00am - 2:30am BST
"In this talk, I explore how Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax discussed Tolkien’s influence on D&D. Connections between the two are unmistakable in areas like D&D’s fantasy nomenclature, thematic concerns, and preoccupation with fantastic storyworlds. Despite these connections, though, Gygax often disclaimed pure inspiration, saying he drew on Tolkien more for his popularity.

I begin by explicating connections between D&D and Middle-earth, how the Tolkien Estate responded, and what survived its two lawsuits. I consider how Tolkien’s position on adaptations, articulated in his letters, might have extended to D&D; I then examine Gygax’s own statements disclaiming true Tolkienian influence. These statements are fraught, I argue, thanks to venue (wargaming & gaming magazines), audience (wargamers), and exigency (commercial concerns & fear of being labeled mere “fans”). I also consider what Gygax, and D&D, might have stood to gain by disclaiming their undeniable Tolkienian roots."
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:00am - 2:30am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

2:30am BST

Evaluating Bad Theology and Making a Case for the Ethical Priority of Religious Diversity in Tolkien Studies
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:30am - 3:00am BST
The aim of this paper is to present a selection of theological Tolkien criticism for the purpose of evaluating them through practical theologian Leah Robinson’s definition of bad theology. I will argue that bad theology in Tolkien Studies needs to be identified and be replaced with the openness of theologian John Thatamanil’s criteria for embracing religious diversity and its utilization as an evaluative tool for future theological engagements within Tolkien Studies. I will conclude, that those who understand bad theology & begin with a positive treatment of theological diversity are better equipped to engage Tolkien Studies with higher levels of ethical inquiry and critical nuance. For the future of theology in Tolkien Studies to flourish, theologians must recognize the inherent relational complexity of their own traditions, Tolkien as theologically multifarious, and proceed with the aim of stoking diverse theological engagement through religious diversity.
avatar for Nick Polk

Nick Polk

Nick currently serves as the Production Editor for Mallorn, the academic journal of The Tolkien Society. He is a high school English teacher and has written various articles about Tolkien, adaptation, pop culture, and theology. He co-hosts the Tolkien Heads podcast with Tripp Fuller... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:30am - 3:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

8:00am BST

Saturday August 31, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am BST
Provided if you are staying in College accommodation
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am BST
7 - Dining Hall

8:30am BST

Saturday August 31, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am BST
Following the success of our inaugural #OxonRun last year, this year we'll be doing it again - only this time we will be joining the official University Parks parkrun for a 5k run in the beautiful surroundings of Oxford University parks, just a few minutes warm-up jog from St Anne's. This has the advantage that runners and walkers can all go at their own pace within the context of the event.

Join Mike (the running elf from the 2020 costume masquerade...), shake out the cobwebs, and set yourself up for the second half of Oxonmoot.

Meet at the Porters Lodge at 8:30am so we can get across to the event in good time - the run itself starts at 9:00am.

Please ensure you have registered with parkrun before the event, and don't forget to bring your parkrun barcode with you. Details of the route can be found here.
avatar for Mike Percival

Mike Percival

Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities (Head Dragon)
Mike Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1983. A year later at his first Oxonmoot he thought to himself "the ambience of this party would be improved by using some stage lighting for the Ents". And the rest is history. Apart from doing tech at Oxonmoot almost ever since, Mike has... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am BST
8 - Meet at Porters' Lodge
  In Person Only

8:50am BST

Translating Tolkien for Finnish Audiences
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:50am - 9:20am BST
Translations of Tolkiens works to Finnish have a rich and interesting history. This talk summarizes the process as well as gives the audience a crash course in Finnish grammar.
avatar for Onni Lampi

Onni Lampi

Tolkien fan since 2001, Onni has been facinated by the Professors endlessly deep writings and works. Onni Lampi has a Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, and is known for naming software projects in honor of Tolkiens works. He is also fond of puns, especially ent-re... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:50am - 9:20am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

9:00am BST

Existing / New / Prospective Smial Organisers Meet up
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am BST
Are you interested in becoming a Smial Organiser?
Maybe you're thinking about starting a local or online Smial, but you're not quite sure how to get started.

Well, you're in luck! We're hosting a friendly get-together for Smial Organisers, and you're invited to join us!
This event is all about making connections, meeting new friends, sharing ideas, and getting and giving advice. Running a Smial may seem overwhelming at first, but it's also a fantastic and enjoyable experience. If you're curious to learn more and hear firsthand from experienced organizers, we would love to have you come and join us!

This meet-up is super laid-back and casual, and our Smial Co-ordinator will be there to guide the conversation.

Plus, just by attending, you'll be entered into a draw to win a fabulous prize!
Hope to see you there!
avatar for Thor Elsson

Thor Elsson

Smial Coordinator/ Westmarch Smial Organiser, Tolkien Society
Tolkien Society Smial Coordinator and Westmarch Smial Organiser (Neath & Swansea area, South Wales).First TIme Oxonmoot AttendeeHappy to chat about all things Smial related.Also an avid 3d Printing nerd who loves to print anything Tolkien themed
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activities)

9:00am BST

The Rings of Power Watch Party - ep 2-3
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am BST
This screening will aim to show episodes 2-3 for those who missed the fist night screening.

Once again, we have the pleasure of of starting Oxonmoot on the same weekend as the release of the new Rings of Power TV series season. For those who wish to have a communal in-person experince, we will put the episodes on in the lecture theatres. Details of this event may change as we learn more about episode length, etc.

Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

9:00am BST

Art Show
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm BST
Information TBC
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm BST
6 - Ruth Deech Building Foyer

9:25am BST

All That Glitters is Gold and Other Nonsenses: Tolkien en español
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:25am - 9:55am BST
"Most of Tolkien's works have been translated into Spanish starting in 1978. Their Spanish publisher, Ediciones Minotauro, decided two years ago to undergo a humongous project: to revise, edit and correct all the Spanish translations of Tolkien's works published several decades ago. The first book to be revised was ""The Silmarillion"", and this task continues up to this year, when the first volumes of ""The History of Middle-Earth"" will be released.
In this presentation, I will uncover some bizarre, curious, funny and even absurd examples from these translations that millions of Spanish-speaking people have read for generations (and, literally thousands of revised terms after, have become a new and surprising text to rediscover).
Come with me to this Unexpected Reunion where we will try to read the Ring inscription upside down, Galadriel dies in Middle-Earth, we find red willows and porcupines and lobsters, the Moon rises in the West and we hear the call of Helm Ironhand's horn..."
avatar for Mónica Sanz-Rodríguez

Mónica Sanz-Rodríguez

Independent Scholar
MA in English Philology, specialised in Literature from the British Isles. Tolkien is my main field of study as independent scholar.I have been a member of Sociedad Tolkien Española (The Tolkien Society of Spain) for more than 20 years now, and I am also a proud member of The Tolkien... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:25am - 9:55am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

9:30am BST

Craft Room
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:30am - 12:45pm BST
Drop in to the Craft Room in person or online to join Anne for chat and sharing of activities.

Lots of ideas will be available for you to try, or just enjoy the company.
avatar for Anne Gooding

Anne Gooding

Anne joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 for the Return of the Ring and attended her first Oxonmoot that year. The Cottage of Lost Play (or the Art and Craft Room) started in 2013 as a space for fun. She first picked up LoTR as a teenager. She can’t remember when she first read The... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:30am - 12:45pm BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft) & Online (Meeting Strand)

9:30am BST

Dealers Room
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm BST
Saturday August 31, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm BST
5 - Danson Room (Dealers)

10:00am BST

Teaching Song and Holiness: An Exploration of the Mystic and Syncretic Elements of Tolkien’s Earliest Elvish Language Invention
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
In this paper I will revisit, respond to and expand upon Professor Dimitra Fimi’s suggestion in her seminal work of Tolkien scholarship Tolkien Race and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits that in Tolkien’s earliest Elvish language invention, as found in such key works as the Qenya Lexicon, Tolkien might have considered Qenya to be a mystic language that included words that are overtly religious and specifically point to Christianity (as evidenced by such early Elvish words as anatarwesta ‘crucifixion’ and evandl ‘Christian Missionary’ as well as one of the few Qenya phrases we have which is about martyrdom).  I will explore the potential motivations and plans that Tolkien may have had for inclusion of these words and others in his earliest Elvish language invention and how this shows evidence that Tolkien for a time thought of his nascent Qenya language as a mystic language that the Elves would go out to teach Men song and holiness.

avatar for Andrew Higgins

Andrew Higgins

Dr. Andrew Higgins is an award-winning Tolkien scholar having published extensively on the works and language invention of Tolkien and other related authors and creators of fantasy and speculative texts.  He is the co-editor with Professor Dimitra Fimi of A Secret Vice: Tolkien on... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

10:00am BST

Book signing: Brian Sibley
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am BST
Brian is happy to sign your books, including the new Maps edition, and the 2025 calendar, which can be obtained on site from Dealers.

Please queue along the basement and be mindful of everyone's time!
avatar for Brian Sibley

Brian Sibley

Writer and broadcaster with a passion for fantasy, science fiction and children's literature. Dramatist of the 1981 BBC Radio serialisation of 'The Lord of the Rings' (also 'Tales from the Perilous Realm'); collaborated with John Howe on 'Tolkien's Maps of Middle-earth'; author of... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am BST
6 - Ruth Deech Building Foyer

10:30am BST

Muster, Move and Groove: Middle Earth Style!
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am BST
Over the past few years, Maureen or Uinen, has taught Zumba and Yoga like sessions with a Middle Earth theme. Join her for a session to strengthen, stretch, and laugh to help connect with each other through movement. This session is open to all. Sit, stand, or observe from the arms of an Ent friend. Wear comfortable clothes, costumes if you like, fitness shoes, or just your hairy bare-feet. Look forward to familiar music associated with Middle Earth and those from our own world that very much feel like Middle Earth. Please note, although we have had reformed orcs in our number in past sessions, I am pleased to say no hobbits have been snacked upon! To date…

avatar for Maureen Layden

Maureen Layden

Maureen began her love of all things Tolkien as a child, retaining a sense of wonder for nature, language, culture, myth, and the commitment to kindness and goodwill. She employs the professor’s values as physician for the US Veterans Health Administration and as a leader in quality... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

10:35am BST

Magical Archetypes of the Wizards
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:35am - 11:05am BST
The Wizards are some of the most noteworthy magical practitioners in the Legendarium. The three Wizards described in the Lord of the Rings are each different in the sort of magic they practise; for example Radagast is described as “a master of shapes”, while Saruman’s fascination is with “technology” and “industry”, and Gandalf is the only Wizard we see actually casting spells as well as having expertise with runes. As the historian Ronald Hutton (2016) points out, Tolkien tends to “draw...on other traditions, more favourable to magic than the established Christian one”. This paper delves into those traditions, looking at each of the Wizards and tracing their particular magical talents in the Legendarium back to some of the primary world magical archetypes that occur in folklore and history such as druids, witches and alchemists.
avatar for Stuart Whitehouse (they/them)

Stuart Whitehouse (they/them)

High Steward (Oxford)
Saturday August 31, 2024 10:35am - 11:05am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

11:10am BST

Philia, Eros, Pragma: Reading Sam and Frodo through the Greek Loves
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am BST
Debates about the nature of Sam and Frodo’s relationship have been varied and contentious. Is their relationship romantic or one of deep friendship? Can it be interpreted as sexual, or it is merely platonic? Is it strictly akin to relationships between batmen and officers during the First World War, or is that paradigm itself complicated by the nature of ambiguous affection in the trenches? These questions cannot be answered simply, and this paper aims to look at their relationship from a different perspective. By reading Sam and Frodo’s relationship through the eight forms of love known as the “Greek Loves”, we can perhaps gain a deeper understanding of their relationship. By reading Sam and Frodo through the Greek Loves we can see how, throughout the Lord of the Rings, they exhibit flavours of all eight forms of love, not as distinct from one another, but as an overlapping and continuous spectrum of love.

avatar for Mercury Natis

Mercury Natis

Mercury Natis (they/them) is a PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow, focusing on the queer historical contexts that influenced Tolkien's works. They earned their first MA in Museum Education, with a background in Art History, and are completing their second MA with Signum University... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

11:15am BST

The Tolkien Art Show
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm BST
An Oxonmoot Institution. Former Archivist and editor of Mallorn Len Sanford shares a sample of the 3,000 pieces of Tolkien artwork he has collected over the years – some serious, some less so. Audience participation is essential!
avatar for Len Sanford

Len Sanford

Len has been a TS member since 1990, and was the editor of Mallorn for eight years. For some years he was the Society’s archivist, following Christina Scull who had made a collection of over 1,000 slides showing examples of Tolkien related art and illustration. Before she left for... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

11:30am BST

Tolkien Localised – Fun Facts of Translated Editions (Discussion/Drop-in)
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm BST
We have participants from several countries: surely with knowledge of translated editions in many different languages. Share your stories! What is Barliman Butterbur called in your language? How did the publishers of different countries deal with the tengwar and runes on the books: do you know of professionally translated inscriptions, annoyingly obvious mistakes or curiously original choices of localisation? Is there any peculiarity of Tolkien’s texts which are especially difficult to be presented in some language you know? Are there any misinterpretations in the editions you first read which you realised only when seeing the original texts or even the movies? Do you have translated editions with lovely or absurd illustrations by local artists? Do you know of fan-made adaptations in your country? Let us discover the different experiences and treasures of this wonderfully international community!
avatar for Orthmayr Flóra

Orthmayr Flóra

A member of the Hungarian Tolkien Society for a longer, and of this Tolkien Society for a shorter time, and interested in the activities of any other Tolkien Societies. Also involved in making the Hungarian Tolkien activities available for the international community. Editor of the... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

11:30am BST

Shire Stroll
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:30am - 1:00pm BST
Ever thought that a bit of fresh air and exercise would be a good thing at Oxonmoot? But not feeling able to do the full Hobbit Hike?

Join Maggie on a gentle stroll (approximately 2 miles) across the University Parks and along the banks of the Cherwell.

Please wear sensible shoes and bring water. Note that in the event of inclement weather this may be cancelled or re-arranged at short notice.
avatar for Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival

Maggie Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1979, and has been known to say that doing so changed her life. She is best known in Tolkien circles as a costumer, notably for Elwing the White and Aratalindalë, the latter being her second Best in Show set at the World Science Fiction... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:30am - 1:00pm BST
8 - Meet at Porters' Lodge
  In Person Only

11:45am BST

"And each day after they did likewise." Looking at Life Together as the Fulcrum of Éowyn’s and Faramir’s Love Story
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm BST
"The love between Éowyn and Faramir is one of the most engaging love stories in The Lord of the Rings as the reader is witness to their first encounter, and observes them growing closer. Nonetheless, the relationship is sometimes misunderstood as a rushed taming of Éowyn, and not all readers are able to appreciate the deep beauty behind Tolkien’s description of this budding love.
Key to unlocking the depth and beauty of their encounter is Tolkien’s usage of “looking”. Tolkien’s text had almost always positioned Éowyn as the unilateral object of others’ gazes. With Faramir, she is set free to look for herself. Inviting her gaze to stray where it longs, and eventually joining her, Faramir learns to look at the world together with Éowyn. With him, for the first time in the text, Éowyn is free to look where her heart longs, and her heart begins to long for the experience of looking out at the world together, as she emerges from under the shadow."

avatar for Christian S. Trenk

Christian S. Trenk

Christian S. Trenk is a Tolkien enthusiast from Germany who was first introduced to Middle-earth by the first Jackson movie and came to love the books immediately afterwards. He has a background in Political Sciences, Philosophy and Theology, and is taking courses at Signum University... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

12:00pm BST

STACs Coffee Shop Open for Lunch
Saturday August 31, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm BST
STACs Coffee Shop offers a selection of cakes and a small selection of bottled beers, wines and soft drinks.  We will be using numbers of signups to this event to gauge numbers cakes they will have ready.
Saturday August 31, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm BST
7 - STACs Coffee Shop

1:00pm BST

Creating Umbar: How We Defined the City of the Corsairs for The Lord of the Rings Online
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm BST
How we envisioned and created the city of Umbar to integrate with the parts of the world more clearly defined by Tolkien in the Lord of the Rings Online game.
avatar for Chris Pierson

Chris Pierson

Standing Stone Games
Chris is a senior World Designer for The Lord of the Rings Online at Standing Stone Games. He has presented before at Mythmoot in the US, and at the Devcom conference in Köln a couple years ago, as well as having done a number of interviews and panel discussions online over the... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

1:00pm BST

Sound Check for Entertainers
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
Sound Check for those performing live "Entertainments" during the evening. We will be in touch to get people to sign up for a slot within this time.

Please contact Helen at ents@oxonmoot.org to discuss details
avatar for Mike Percival

Mike Percival

Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities (Head Dragon)
Mike Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1983. A year later at his first Oxonmoot he thought to himself "the ambience of this party would be improved by using some stage lighting for the Ents". And the rest is history. Apart from doing tech at Oxonmoot almost ever since, Mike has... Read More →
avatar for Helen Armstrong

Helen Armstrong

Volunteer, Tolkien Society
Helen Armstrong joined the Tolkien Society around 1974 from UCL London Hobbit Soc and gradually got involved with things like being Secretary, contributing occasionally to Amon Hen and Mallorn (editing one edition in 2014), and, chiefly, Oxonmoot.In the early 1980s at Oxford Town... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
7 - Dining Hall

1:30pm BST

Intimacy in Tolkien’s Middle Earth
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm BST
In Tolkien's Middle Earth, intimacy extends beyond romantic love to encompass friendship, familial bonds, camaraderie and much more. This presentation delves into the intricacies of these intimate interactions, exploring how Tolkien's masterful crafting of relationships enriches his secondary world and dives into the complex art of connection.
avatar for Yarit Dor

Yarit Dor

Yarit is a movement director, fight director and intimacy coordinator working across theatre, dance and film/TV. She is a Fellow of Rose Bruford College and Ensemble Associate Artist of Shakespeare’s Globe. She is a visiting tutor in many drama schools and film schools such as RADA... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

1:45pm BST

Craft Room
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:45pm - 3:00pm BST
Drop in to the Craft Room in person or online to join Anne for chat and sharing of activities.

Lots of ideas will be available for you to try, or just enjoy the company.
avatar for Anne Gooding

Anne Gooding

Anne joined the Tolkien Society in 2012 for the Return of the Ring and attended her first Oxonmoot that year. The Cottage of Lost Play (or the Art and Craft Room) started in 2013 as a space for fun. She first picked up LoTR as a teenager. She can’t remember when she first read The... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 1:45pm - 3:00pm BST
2 - The Cottage of Lost Play (Craft) & Online (Meeting Strand)

2:05pm BST

In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a Cassette
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:05pm - 2:35pm BST
A meander through the audio adaptations of The Hobbit - including readings of the text, dramatizations and even some television. We'll take a look at some of the wonderful artists and beautiful artwork that make up these recordings and you should be prepared for any sort of remarkable tale.
avatar for David Walker

David Walker

Owner, WalkThis.Land
Collector of audio interpretations of Tolkien - audiobooks, dramatizations etc. Based in North Wales and a keen hill walker, climber, professional Mountain Leader and guide. Now also dabbling in creating filking songs.
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:05pm - 2:35pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

2:30pm BST

The Lord of the Rings Opera
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm BST

Ever since the 1960s the composer has been working on sketches, fragments and episodes for what was envisaged as a cycle of musical works based upon The Lord of the Rings. Following on from the success of the recordings of The Silmarillion Paul was persuaded to go back to these beginnings and fully explore, expand and complete the work which has now evolved as “musical chapters from The Lord of the Rings”. This fully operatic setting has now become a companion work on the same scale as The Silmarillion. This adaptation takes place over thirty “chapters” designed to be performed over six evenings – over fifteen hours of music.

This work is currently in the process of recording by Volante Opera and it is anticipated that Prima Facie will release a demo recording of the complete cycle, in the same manner as their Silmarillion recordings, in 2025.

The professional singers, some thirty in number, come mainly from Welsh National Opera. Returning artists from The Silmarillion include: Simon Crosby Buttle as Frodo, Julian Boyce as Sam, Philip Lloyd-Evans as Gandalf, Stephen Wells as Aragorn, Michael Clifton-Thompson as Gollum, Helen Jarmany as Éowyn, Huw Llywelyn as Bilbo, Emma Mary Llewellyn as Arwen, Laurence Cole as Boromir/Denethor, Martin Lloyd as Treebeard/Herb Master, Helen Greenaway as Lobelia/Ioreth, Rosie Hay as Gwaihir, Sophie Yelland as the Barrow-Wight, Louise Ratcliffe as Lindir with George Newton-Fitzgerald and Jasey Hall taking on a plethora of roles.  Angharad Morgan will also be reprising her role as Galadriel from The Silmarillion.

In this session, following on from the excerpts from The Silmarillion yesterday, the composer will play some preliminary tracks from the forthcoming recording - including some sections such as the settings of The Field of Cormallen, the opening of The Houses of Healing and the encounter between Éowyn and the Witch-king, all which will be heard for the first time in public. We hope that some of the singers involved will be able to attend the recital.
avatar for Paul Godfrey

Paul Godfrey

Volante Opera
Musical composition and writing, recording and promotion
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

2:40pm BST

Twenty Years On: Peter Jackson’s Aragorn and Tolkien’s Original
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:40pm - 3:10pm BST
In March of 2004, Peter Jackson’s The Return of the King won the Academy Award for Best Picture, becoming the first fantasy film to do so.  While Viggo Mortenson did not take home an Oscar for either best actor or best supporting actor, his portrayal of Aragorn was nonetheless key to the success of the Lord of the Rings movie franchise. Mortenson’s performance was defined by new scenes, written by Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens, that made him appear as a diffident candidate for kingship and a reluctant lover.  These scenes are worthy of study in their own right, but they also serve to highlight the radically different Aragorn found in Tolkien’s original book series. This presentation will deploy the movie Aragorn as a foil to the literary Aragorn, differentiating between the contrasting models of heroism and leadership upon which they are based.
avatar for Steven Gores

Steven Gores

professor, northern kentucky university
Dr. Steven Gores is a professor of English at Northern Kentucky University in metropolitan Cincinnati, where he has for time immemorial taught Ohioans, Kentuckians, and Hoosiers. A refugee from 18th-century studies, he now features classes on fantasy literature and film in his repertoire... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 2:40pm - 3:10pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

3:00pm BST

Reading Session
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm BST
Join the Alliance of Arda in a reading session dedicated to inclusive readings of Tolkien. Participants will have a chance to bring short readings from Tolkien's legendarium that speak to us inclusively along lines of issues including but not limited to race, disability, age, gender and sexuality, and discuss them together from our own experiences of both the legendarium and fandom. We hope that this will be an opportunity to see Middle-earth from some new perspectives with compassion and empathy and find community and representation in some perhaps unexpected corners of Arda!
avatar for Rory Queripel

Rory Queripel

Rory is a plant science undergraduate studying at the Eden Project, having previously studied music and ethnomusicology. Aside from their scientific interests in taxonomy and soil ecology, they are interested in plant histories (which they write about on their blog Historical Plant... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

3:00pm BST

The Bar
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:00pm - 11:40pm BST
The bar in the marquee behind the Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre will be open daily 3pm-midnight with last orders at 11.40pm.
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:00pm - 11:40pm BST
7.1 - The Small Marquee in the Back Quad

3:10pm BST

“A fear of anything large and alive, and not easily tamed or destroyed”: Kaijū in The Lord of the Rings.
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm BST
Tolkien’s legendarium features numerous over-sized creatures (trolls, dragons, stone-giants, ents, eagles). Precedence can be found in the folklore, medieval literature, and paleontology with which Tolkien was familiar, as well as the popular media of his time, including H.G. Wells’ The Food of the Gods (1904) and King Kong (1933). Publication of LOTR (1954-5) coincided with the start of the kaijū movement in popular culture, featuring giant, sentient creatures demonstrating agency and intention, rather than being merely mindless brutes. Starting with the re-release of King Kong in 1952 and the original Godzilla (1954), kaijū films continue to dominate a portion of the popular culture market and impact audience expectations for the depictions of giant creatures. In light of the June 2024 limited re-release of Jackson's remastered film adaptations, I examine Jackson's Shelob, Balrog, and Watcher in the Water, alongside their representions in the novel, through the lens of kaijū theory
avatar for Kristine Larsen

Kristine Larsen

Professor of Astronomy, Central Connecticut State University
Dr. Kristine Larsen has been an astronomy professor at Central Connecticut State University since 1989. In addition to her scholarly work on Tolkien's use of astronomy in crafting Middle-earth (published in Mallorn, Tolkien Studies, Journal of Tolkien Research, Amon Hen, and beyond... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

3:40pm BST

Saturday August 31, 2024 3:40pm - 3:50pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:40pm - 3:50pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

3:45pm BST

Rings of Power Reactions - a Panel
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm BST
Panellists TBC.

So what did we make of the first 3 episodes of Season 2, and how does Season 1 hold up after 2 years?
avatar for Shaun Gunner

Shaun Gunner

Chair, The Tolkien Society
Shaun is the Chair of The Tolkien Society.First elected in 2013, Shaun has overseen the Society's expansion from 600 to 3,800 members, and its growth in assets to nearly £500,000. Shaun regularly speaks about adaptations of Tolkien's works and the future of Tolkien scholarship whilst... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm BST
4.2 - Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre

4:00pm BST

Escaping the Shadow of the Past: Building a New Vision of Middle-earth with ArdaCraft
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm BST
Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy brought a new generation of fans to Middle-earth, and is undoubtedly one of the greatest cinematic achievements of the 21st century. However, more than 20 years on, the films’ depiction of Middle-earth still dominates fans’ perception of Tolkien’s world, despite the many significant differences with Tolkien’s own imagination.

The ArdaCraft team is made up of people who almost exclusively discovered Tolkien’s world through Peter Jackson’s films, but who are now collectively discovering a new vision of Middle-earth. In order to do this, they are drawing on Tolkien’s writings and sketches, but also their own research into botany, geology, topography, historical architecture, farming methods, ancient ways of life, and more. By working in a heavily modified version of Minecraft, they hope to achieve the most detailed version of Middle-earth that has ever been made.

This talk will be a whistle-stop tour through our work over the last ten years.
avatar for Jack Ashbridge

Jack Ashbridge

Administrator, ArdaCraft
Jack (better known by his online alias Fornad) is the co-founder and administrator of the ArdaCraft project. In this role, he manages a team of around 35-40 Tolkien fans and artists from more than 15 countries. He is also the main terrain lead for the project, and has been working... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

4:00pm BST

Masquerade Rehearsal
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:00pm - 4:45pm BST
Technical rehearsal for those taking part in the Masquerade during the evening. All in person Masqueraders should attend

Please contact Mike at masquerade@oxonmoot.org to discuss details
avatar for Catherine Thorn

Catherine Thorn

I am a veteran Tolkien Society member (in 2023 I marked the fortieth anniversary of my first Oxonmoot) and I remain interested in everything, but in particular singing (I will be performing on Saturday night) and I also help out with the Masquerade.
avatar for Mike Percival

Mike Percival

Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities (Head Dragon)
Mike Percival joined the Tolkien Society in 1983. A year later at his first Oxonmoot he thought to himself "the ambience of this party would be improved by using some stage lighting for the Ents". And the rest is history. Apart from doing tech at Oxonmoot almost ever since, Mike has... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:00pm - 4:45pm BST
7 - Dining Hall

4:30pm BST

Saturday August 31, 2024 4:30pm - 4:40pm BST
Technical break - 10 mins
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:30pm - 4:40pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

4:50pm BST

From Mushrooms to Man-flesh Via Maggots: Food and Consumption in Middle-earth
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm BST
Few dimensions within the material world have a greater impact on culture and cultural identity than the production and consumption of food. In J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, there are clear connections that can be made between cultural identity, the choices people make regarding food (and the corresponding bodily experience), and the ideologies surrounding food and its consumption that are based on culture. By reading The Lord of the Rings through the works of theorists such as Claude Lévi-Strauss and Julia Kristeva, this paper delves into the cultural significance of food and how it can also serve as an indicator of the tension between what is natural – pure, clean, and in accordance with Nature – and what is unnatural.

Dr Brown's talk will be relayed into the second lecture theatre when space in the MOLT runs out
avatar for Sara Brown

Sara Brown

Chair of Faculty for Language and Literature, Signum University
Dr Sara Brown lives in North Wales, UK. She is Chair of the Language and Literature Faculty at Signum University, USA, where she has taught on courses with Corey Olsen, Verlyn Flieger, Dimitra Fimi, Robin Reid, Doug Anderson, Amy Sturgis, and John Garth. Sara currently serves on the... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm BST
1 - Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre & Online (Webinar Strand)

5:30pm BST

I ❤️ Fandom: Fanfiction
Saturday August 31, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm BST
Attend this active 30/30/30 writing session, split into three parts – conversation, creation, and community. Whether you write or read darkfic, crackfic, romance, humor, canon compliant, AUs, or any other form of fanfictional delights (no matter the rating or word count), all are welcome to participate! Drop in to write or read – prompts provided for those who are interested, WIPs and Ships always welcome – either in-person or online. During this creative session, Ann, Maglor, Nuinzilien, and Zhie will facilitate discussion on why we create fanfiction, what leads us to adding to the tales of Middle-earth and the characters and scenes from the Legendarium and Tolkien’s other works, and the importance of representation in fanfiction. (30 min Panel Discussion with optional audience participation, 30 min quiet time for creating or reading in-person or from the comfort of your remote location, 30 min sharing your work or what you’re currently reading and your love of fanfiction.)
avatar for Zhie


Tears Unnumbered Pub
Zhie has been an academic librarian for over two decades and teaching at the college level for nearly twenty-five years.  While most contributions have been derivative fandom works and creation of STEAM-based OER for use in makerspaces and classrooms, activities have also included... Read More →
Saturday August 31, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm BST
3 - Edoras (Discussions & Activites) & Online (Meeting Strand)

6:30pm BST

STACs Coffee Shop open for Dinner
Saturday August 31, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm BST
STACs will provide homemade pizzas and cakes for dinner. We will be using numbers of signups to this event to gauge numbers of pizzas they will have ready.
Saturday August 31, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm BST
7 - STACs Coffee Shop

8:30pm BST

Entertainments & Masquerade
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:30pm - 11:30pm BST
Since the earliest days of Oxonmoot, members have provided entertainment for each other in the form of Songs, Dances and Sketches.

Once again in 2023, we will combine physical performances in Oxford with online presentations from performers across the globe, all of them waiting to share their talents with you all!

At some point during the evening we will run our Costume Masquerade, providing an opportunity for the costumers amongst us to showcase their talents.

And the evening will conclude with our traditional "filking", led by Pete Clark - when everyone is encouraged to join in with singing of filk (parody) songs new and old. Words will be provided, just bring your voice!

Sit back and enjoy (unless, of course, you are performing)!
avatar for Helen Armstrong

Helen Armstrong

Volunteer, Tolkien Society
Helen Armstrong joined the Tolkien Society around 1974 from UCL London Hobbit Soc and gradually got involved with things like being Secretary, contributing occasionally to Amon Hen and Mallorn (editing one edition in 2014), and, chiefly, Oxonmoot.In the early 1980s at Oxford Town... Read More →
avatar for Pete Clark

Pete Clark

Pete has been involved in filking (parody singing) for three decades and was a founder member of the Oxford Tolkien Society filk band, the Taruithorn Singers. He does occasionally write and sing non parody songs!
Saturday August 31, 2024 8:30pm - 11:30pm BST
7 - Dining Hall & Online (Webinar Strand)

11:45pm BST

Adaptations Drop-in
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:45pm - Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am BST
Whether it be "The Rings of Power" on Amazon Prime, the Peter Jackson movies, the BBC Radio Dramatisation, the Lord of the Ring Musical, or many other examples, Tolkien's works have been adapted for stage, screen and radio on many occasions.

Join this drop-in to meet others who love to see Tolkien's stories through the lens of adaptations.
Saturday August 31, 2024 11:45pm - Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)
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