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Sunday, September 1

12:00am BST

The Conquering Power of Madness: A Postcolonial Approach to J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:00am - 12:30am BST
Does the masculine colonizer transfer its madness to its feminine colonized victim? To answer this, I go beyond the approach of analyzing individualistic decisions of characters in Tolkien’s legendarium. Instead, I view their choices as a symptom of past and current colonization by applying the postcolonial concept of the ‘mad woman’ to collective races and their history in Arda rather than the individual. This study is an attempt to further Tolkien postcolonialism scholarship, specifically regarding Orientalism, while simultaneously moving past the separation of the colonizer and colonized in Tolkien’s legendarium.
avatar for Elizabeth Turello

Elizabeth Turello

The same week as the 50th Oxonmoot, Elizabeth continued her academic journey, beginning graduate school at Seton Hall University; she will be earning her M.A. in English with a concentration in Literature, specifically Tolkien. Through her research, Elizabeth hopes to bring new interpretive... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:00am - 12:30am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

12:30am BST

The Nameless Enemy: How Do You Solve a Problem Like “Mairon”?
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:30am - 1:00am BST
“[N]othing is evil in the beginning, even Sauron was not so.” These words from The Fellowship of the Ring express both a theological axiom and hint at a character arc whose beginnings we are never shown. The pre-fallen Sauron remained mostly hidden and entirely nameless—until 2007. With the publication of Parma Eldalamberon volume 17 we learned that Sauron had once been “Mairon” (The Admirable). What can we glean from this name amid the dozens of other names and epithets applied to Sauron across the Legendarium? How does “Mairon” compare to names of the other Ainur in general or Sauron’s maia foils Melyanna, Curumo, and Olórin in particular? What might it suggest about the telos of its owner? What about his virtues, vices, and the circumstances of his unshown Fall? In the spirit of Croft’s and Broadwell’s work on onomastics in Tolkien, I will explore these questions with regard to how they help shape a potential “capsule story” for the Lord of the Rings, himself.
avatar for Cameron Bourquein

Cameron Bourquein

Scholar, Designer, Artist, Manifest Reality Design | Independent Scholar
Cameron Bourquein is an independent scholar who received her BA from Anderson University in 2006 (Theatre Studies, Graphic Design, Information Systems). Her undergraduate thesis integrated her love of sculpture, set design, acting, and the photography of Josef Sudek into a one-woman... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:30am - 1:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

12:45am BST

Languages Drop-in
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am - 1:45am BST
Tolkien's invented languages lie at the heart of his creation of Middle-earth.

Join this drop-in to meet others with a shared interest in languages. Share knowledge, or seek answers to the questions you have always wanted to ask.
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am - 1:45am BST
0.2 - Online Only (Meeting Strand)

12:45am BST

Writing Drop-in
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am - 1:45am BST
Ever since Tolkien's works were first published, people have been inspired to write their own fiction - both original, and "fan-fiction" set in his worlds.

Join this drop-in to meet others who share a passion for writing. Compare notes, share ideas, exchange hints and tips, or maybe even come up with a plan to collaborate!
Sunday September 1, 2024 12:45am - 1:45am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)

1:00am BST

The Science of the Silmarils
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:00am - 1:30am BST
Fantasy stories and the elements therein are not necessarily held to scientific standards.  Suspension of reality is accepted–but could there be scientific foundations to explain the properties of the Silmarils? Analyzing the attributes of the Silmarils requires examination of Laurelin and Telperion, the gold and silver light-giving trees of Valinor, and the exploration of biological and chemical possibilities. The construction of the Silmarils is also of interest, leading to investigation of the geological, lapidarical, an alchemical options which would give the gems the ability to shine brightly in darkness, burn the hands of those who hold them, and theoretically be manipulated to allow for the light to someday be released. Delving into various scientific fields, this talk will present both scientific considerations as well as historical curiosities as they relate to Fëanor’s greatest creation.

avatar for Zhie


Tears Unnumbered Pub
Zhie has been an academic librarian for over two decades and teaching at the college level for nearly twenty-five years.  While most contributions have been derivative fandom works and creation of STEAM-based OER for use in makerspaces and classrooms, activities have also included... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:00am - 1:30am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

1:30am BST

The Evolution and Impact of Story: The Children of Hurin
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:30am - 2:00am BST
In this presentation I’ll explain how Tolkien’s reading of the Kalevala led to the writing of his early short story, the story of Kullervo, which resulted in the writing of many versions of the Children of Hurin and impacted his creation of Middle-Earth. I will also note how it became a lifelong obsession to him, which prevented his finalizing the Silmarillion himself.
avatar for Ross Nunamaker

Ross Nunamaker

Ross Nunamaker is a graduate of the University of Arizona, with a degree in interdisciplinary studies in political science, history, and philosophy. He later received a certification in project management at the University of California, Berkeley.He joined the Tolkien Society on 1... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:30am - 2:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

1:45am BST

Art Drop-in
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:45am - 2:45am BST
Tolkien's stories have provided inspiration for illustrators and artists for many years.

Join this drop-in to meet other with an interest in Tolkien art. Share your projects, exchange hints and tips, or discuss your favourite artists and illustrations - the choice is yours.
Sunday September 1, 2024 1:45am - 2:45am BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)
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2:00am BST

Death, Grief, and the Other in the Quenta Silmarillion
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:00am - 2:30am BST
The main narrative found in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion, the Quenta Silmarillion, contains ninety deaths of named characters, as well as countless deaths of characters who remain unnamed. How these deaths are presented in the text varies, revealing narrative bias that shapes how readers understand the purpose and meaning of The Silmarillion within the wider legendarium. The Silmarillion narrator can be difficult to discern, but my prior research shows the narrator of much of the Quenta Silmarillion is most likely Pengolodh. Presentation of characters—including their death scenes—adhere to his biases, inviting consideration of how other perspectives might produce different "Silmarillions" with varying emphases and prejudices. In this paper, I continue prior research on death and grieving in the Quenta Silmarillion to consider depictions of the Other—characters who are not Noldorin or Sindarin—and how those characters are permitted (or not) to die with dignity and grieve.
avatar for Dawn Walls-Thumma

Dawn Walls-Thumma

Dawn Walls-Thumma is an independent Tolkien scholar whose work focuses on The Silmarillion as a pseudohistorical text and the history and culture of Tolkien fanfiction communities. Her recent publications include the Transformative Works and Cultures and the Journal of Tolkien Research... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:00am - 2:30am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

2:30am BST

Ecclesiology Along the Withywindle: Tom Bombadil and Restoration in The Lord of the Rings
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:30am - 3:00am BST
For Professor Tolkien, “subcreators” of fantasy never create ex nihilo—only from what is already made. Subcreators wield power to either corrupt (like Morgoth) or correct (like Elves). Tom Bombadil, one of Tolkien’s most mysterious characters, embodies Tolkien’s subcreative theories. Bombadil sang exhortation to the creation in his realm. And, indeed, the Bombadilic Episode (the “Episode”) in The Fellowship of the Ring impacted the hobbits in divinely significant ways as well. This article argues that Bombadil, and the entire Episode, are capable of “allegorical interpretation” as the Church herself. Bombadil, along with his wife, Goldberry, function as the Church for the hobbits during their stay. And, while in his realm, Bombadil functioned as prophet, priest, and king. While there, the hobbits encountered forms of all seven sacraments which Tolkien would have known well. Bombadil’s sacramental provision sustained Frodo until he saw the “far green country under a swift sunrise."
avatar for Jonah Echols

Jonah Echols

Jonah is an Atlanta, Georgia based attorney working in estates, trust planning, business law, and intellectual property. His educational background includes the following: Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, Liberty University; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude, Bachelor of Arts... Read More →
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:30am - 3:00am BST
0 - Online only (Webinar Strand)

2:30pm BST

"Dead Orcs" Breakout Rooms
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm BST
After the formal end of Oxonmoot, "Dead Orcs" refers to the informal gatherings of exhausted mooters who reflect on what they've done, look forward to next year, and wish each other a fond farewell.

For our online delegates, we will re-create this experience using Breakout Rooms which will remain available for as long as anyone wants to use them.
Sunday September 1, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm BST
0.1 Online Only (Meeting Strand)
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